This ride leaves from Hookhams Corner in Hornsby at 6:00pm sharp. The ride goes out to Brooklyn Bridge and back to Hookhams Corner (approx 45km) and is a no drop ride on the way out. The group usually splits up on the climb back up Brooklyn, riders are encouraged to climb within their limits and all riders regroup at the top of the Brooklyn climb outside Austral Water Gardens. From Austral gardens the group normally splits into two groups with a faster group going ahead. If you are in the faster group, this is considered a drop ride so bring your legs. A great midweek ride that is quick to complete but also provides a solid workout for those who want it. Please bring front and rear lights in the winter months as we don’t return until around 7:30pm. As a reminder, rear lights should be kept on solid mode (not flashing).
As an added extra, this ride is followed by Pizza and a drop of your finest Red at Bambinos in Hornsby on 2nd and 5th Tuesdays of the month. NB: BYO Red Wine.
Attire: No club kit is required for this ride, however you will notice that there is a specific “Dash” kit that was purchased as a one off.
Pace: TEMPO on way out, then depending on which group you are in on the way back, could either be FAST or TEMPO again.
Average Speed: 30-34KPH AVG