This is the slowest of the weekly bunch rides and is intended as an introduction to bunch riding or a more relaxed ride for those not up to the faster bunches.
Meet at the Hornsby Pool Bus Shelter for the 6.30am departure (7.00am in winter months). Ride will follow a similar route as El Presidente and Le Reve without the descent into Akuna or the out-and-back to Duffy’s Forest but rather to Terry Hills and then back to Turramurra, meeting the El Presidente bunches for coffee at Pierres about 8.00am (8:30am in Winter).
COVID-19 requirements:
We are asking all riders on Guns n Roses to do the following while COVID-19 restrictions are in place:
• Ensure your club membership and contact details are current
• Download Strava and join the NSCC Strava group
• Register your attendance on the club ride page for each club ride (eg El Prez, Le Reve etc) before attending
• When finishing your ride, ensure it is set to public.
This will enable us to track who attends what ride for contact tracing purposes, regardless of where and when you jump on and off the bunch. As most riders are on Strava already, using this means minimal changes to how we already conduct our rides.
If you are not a current member (eg you are planning on joining soon and want to ‘try out’ a bunchie) please contact the committee either via the club FB page or email secretary1@northernsydneycyclingclub with your contact details before attending a ride.
In addition:
• Riders are encouraged to download and run the Covidsafe app
• Do not turn up if you have experienced respiratory symptoms or if they have had contact with anyone with coronavirus in the last 14 days
• Follow social distancing rules when not riding
• Be self-sufficient in terms of food and drink.
*Please check the calendar for seasonal time adjustments.
Attire: Club kit is expected to be worn on this ride, however if you are new and want to check out what it is all about then come down and come for a ride with us – no club kit is necessary for your first few rides.
Strava route:
Please note: There are no official sanctioned club run training rides due to possible liability issues for the club.
However there are several rides where a number of cyclists turn up regularly and ride in a group. Anyone is most welcome to join these bunches but please be aware that you will be responsible for your own safety when riding.
Bring lights if needed and your common sense. Riders in bunches will always have the safety of every member in the bunch as a main concern but ultimately the club will not accept any responsibility for any accidents that may occur.
Ride etiquette guide: